project timeline

Action Item

Prototype Version-2 ready for review


Round-1 feedback/input, along with newly identified assets, will be integrated into the prototype. Version 2 ready for 889 team review.


June 11
889 Review of Version-2
A week allocated to the review and compilation of 889's Version-2 feedback.
6/11 - 6/15
889 V-2 feedback/input/direction ready for Casey
Feedback/input on V-2 delivered to Casey.
June 18
V-2 input/feedback integrated into the next version of the site.
Integration of round 2 feedback/input into development of Version-3.
June 18-25
Prototype Version-3 ready for review
Round-2 feedback/input will be integrated into the prototype. Version 3 ready for 889 team review. Version 3 will also include build out of 2nd-level service page template/integration of tables within template.
June 25
889 Review of Version-3
A week allocated to the review and compilation of 889's Version-3 feedback.
6/25 - 6/30
889 V-2 feedback/input/direction ready for Casey
Feedback/input on V-3 delivered to Casey.
Vacation Notice: input to be delivered on 6/30 because I will be out of the office the week of July 4th.
V-3 Feedback integrated into the next version of the site.
Integration of round 3 feedback/input into development of Version-4.
6/30 - 7/9
Prototype Version-4 ready for review
Version 4 ready for 889 team review. Version 4 will include build-out and crafting of an initial user flow/journey and targeted call-to-actions/lead generators.
July 9
889 Review of Version-4
A week allocated to the review and compilation of 889's Version-4 feedback.
7/9 - 7/13
889 V-4 feedback/input/direction ready for Casey
Feedback/input on V-4 delivered to Casey.
July 16
Content Management System Completion
The custom CMS will be fully integrated into the site, and all help text will be inserted into back-end CMS panel.  Training sessions (one or two 1-hour sessions should be sufficient) should be scheduled prior to deadline date to assimilate 889-Editors to the CMS system the week of July 16.
July 16
V-4 Feedback integrated into the next version of the site.
The custom CMS will be fully integrated into the site, and all help text will be inserted into back-end CMS panel.  Training sessions (one or two 1-hour sessions should be sufficient) should be scheduled prior to deadline date to assimilate 889-Editors to the CMS system the week of July 16.
7/16 - 7/23
Semi-Final prototype delivered for review.
Home Stretch - Semi-final version of the site delivered to 889 team for "semi-final" review, with all pages, content, and user-flow systems fully integrated. This will be the first look at the whole website, top to bottom.
July 23
Pre-launch review, walk-throughs, and site performance, form functionality, etc.
Home Stretch - Semi-final version of the site delivered to 889 team for "semi-final" review, with all pages, content, and user-flow systems fully integrated. This will be the first look at the whole website, top to bottom.
7/23 - 7/26
Soft Launch of Website
A "soft-launch" or "beta-launch" of the website on to the domain.
July 27
Final tweaks and revisions made prior to the "public showcasing" of the new website.
All final revisions identified and cleaned up, possibly share the site with a select constituency for audience feedback and insight.
Week of 7/30